Monday, 30 January 2012

I often wonder

I often wonder what it is that makes people the way they are, what make them react in the way they do or look at things with a certain viewpoint. I've always been a big believer in astrology and personality traits that are a kin to that but obviously there's a bit more to it than simply saying “you were born in June therefore you must be carefree and prone to having a split personality.” I think the most important thing that makes anyone happy is their outlook on life and the vibe they give back to the universe. I truly believe that positive thinking brings about positive events; a positive person will see any situation with a sense of optimism and therefore make the most of it. Doesn’t this in turn mean that they will have a better life, merely because they perceive everything that happens to them as positive in some way or another?

I will give you an example…I was sat in a car on the way to the mountain house of the family I au pair for the other day and as I looked around at the beautiful view I thought... I'm such a lucky person, not only do I come from a fantastic home and have a wonderful relationship with most of my family, here I am; in Italy, working next door to a great friend and surrounded by beauty. It was shortly after this thinking that the car came to a stop and we saw police guarding the way by. There was a parade in motion as some famous skier had won a prestigious race and this was his home town. Now, it was around 9pm, it was minus ten outside and there was ice and snow everywhere... What to do?! The choices were clear... sit in the car and moan and sigh that the parade was setting us back from arriving in good time at our destination or embrace the sudden adventure and go and join in the festivities. Now I for one was game straight away to join in... What can I say, I am Peter Pan aren't I?! The adventure continued as the neighbouring family and cousins came to tap on the windows bearing flags and smiles to which we saw as cue to jump out of the car and follow the parade waving the flags and cheering as if we knew exactly what it was all about! It was definitely more fun than sitting in the car watching the fun and excitement go by that’s for sure!

Now I’m sure that many people in such a circumstance would have done the same but as we all returned to the car freezing cold and glad of the cars heating being kept on full pelt I couldn’t help but have a huge smile on my face. Yes I am lucky, not purely because of the circumstances I find myself in, with a roof over my head and a fantastic support system just a keyboard tap or phone call away;for that I will always be eternally grateful. I also appreciate how lucky I am because for the first time in my life I feel truly content and happy with how I am living my own life in this moment. Ok, so it’s not perfect, I live in someone else’s home and I don’t have the job of my dreams but who cares. I am happy with my hand right now and I’m sure when the next game starts I will be presented with an even stronger hand that will see me in a winning position. For now I am content and happy with the little things in life that make us smile. I know I will always be excited by the views of snow covered mountains and beautiful lakes like Lago di Garda just down the road. I also know that I will always be happy to see and speak with my friends and family from all around the world. That’s without the slight mention of the pure happiness I feel when listening to my favourite band or hearing the laughter of the children I look after when were having fun playing silly games and making up characters (a favourite being Mr Pirate Dragon; he lost an eye from the attack of a smelly foot) If that isn’t something to celebrate and feel fortunate and lucky for then really, I have no idea what is. 


  1. I miss Italy! And we are all entitled to a bit of sloppiness now and again so go for it!
    P.S. I want a full and detailed breakdown of Mr Pirate Dragon... I'm sure he and I will be great friends!

  2. Beautiful truly Beautiful words straight from the Heart. Loving it and Love You xxx
